Robinson+Cole logo


1 State Street
Hartford, CT 06103
(860) 275-3579



In addition to its offices in Connecticut, Robinson+Cole has offices in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and other cities throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, California, and Florida. At more than 260 lawyers strong, the firm serves clients ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies. Associates here are incredibly happy, which is clear from the firm’s placement in Vault’s quality of life rankings for Firm Culture and Wellness. The firm is also a leader in tech, diversity, and transparency.

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2024)

250 - 500


No. of Partners Named (2024)



Featured Rankings

Best Law Firms for Diversity


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2023)



No. of Summer Associates (2024)

9 total (7 2Ls; 2 1Ls)


Base Salary

All offices1st year: $160,000-$180,000

Vault Verdict

As one of the oldest firms in the United States and based in Connecticut, Robinson+Cole is a top choice for associates looking for friendly office settings, partner relationships, and pro bono opportunities. Hiring standards are high, especially with respect to academic achievement and personality fit, and most associates have geographic ties to the hiring office. Coworkers are collaborative and collegial, and they enjoy spending time with each other both professionally and socially. Associates feel valued and respected by partners, and partners are accessible for questions, offer feedback generously, and act upon their desire for associate career growth. The quality of formal training depends on the practice group, but mentoring by partners and associates is abundant and benefici...

About the Firm

Robinson+Cole was founded in 1845 in Connecticut, and while the firm still has deep roots there, its presence now spans the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, California, and Florida. With more than 260 lawyers among its ranks, Robinson+Cole is an AmLaw 200 firm with clients ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies.

From Trials to Transactions

Attorneys at Robinson+Cole work in 11 main practice areas, advising clients across a range of industries including construction, education, energy, exempt organizations, financial institutions, food and beverage, healthcare, insurance, IP & technology, manufacturing, coastal ports, real estate, and telecommunication. The firm also pens various blogs relating to some of these areas.

Close to half of the firm’s lawyers practice...

Associate Reviews

  • “Kind, helpful, and collaborative colleagues from top to bottom. Socialization is both sponsored and organic—the firm puts a lot of time and effort into non-work activities for lawyers and staff.”
  • “Lawyers seem to have great interpersonal relationships. People are very supportive of one another and regularly check in with their colleagues. There are a lot of office events, which most folks participate in.”
  • “Firm's culture is supportive and friendly, and lawyers and staff have great working relationships.”
  • “The firm's culture is exceedingly collegial. Lawyers are encouraged to get to know one another, and to facilitate that, the firm regularly sponsors activities inside and outside the office to allow bonding. In addition to the firm-sponsored events, people regularly get together. It's an easy place to enjoy the people you work with.”

Why Work Here


Robinson+Cole is an AmLaw 200 law firm established 175 years ago with a deeply-rooted culture of collaboration, civility and inclusion. We share a rich history and culture of community involvement, pro bono service and dedication to client service. Our past shapes and informs  us, but it does not define us. The connections we have today and will make tomorrow keep us focused on the future, helping to refine our methods while devising new ways to best serve clients and maintain a competitive advantage in the legal profession.

More than ever, a modern law firm must be flexible and creative to thrive. This is not simply adapting to the changing legal landscape; it is taking the initiative to ensure mutually-rewarding business relationships with our clients. Alternative fee arrangements are a regular fixture of the conversation between law firms and their clients, and warrant consideration even when they may not fit a particular set of circumstances. We welcome those conversations.


Diversity at Robinson+Cole

"We welcome an inclusive work environment where the diverse backgrounds of all of our lawyers and other professionals are respected and each individual is empowered to succeed. To that end, we are Mansfield Rule 5.0 Certified and have signed on to Diversity Lab’s Mansfield Rule 6.0, a year-long certification process that runs from July to June, developed to increase the representation of diverse lawyers in leadership positions by broadening the pool of women, lawyers of color, lawyers with disabilities, and LGBTQ++ lawyers..."

Getting Hired Here

  • “Although the firm is mid-sized, it is still pretty competitive. Many lawyers attended top schools as well as had strong local ties to the University of Connecticut. Interviewees are typically put through their paces meeting lots of different individuals, are asked good questions, and provide transcripts, writing samples, resumes, and cover letters. The firm takes a holistic approach in hiring and has guidelines for interview questions.”
  • “I frequently interview for the firm's summer program and my practice group's year-round intern role. The firm has high standards related to academic performance and community engagement. There is also a concerted effort to look for individuals with an eager, willing-to-learn attitude, as the firm has no issues with training and seeks candidates who want that training.”
  • “No particular feeder schools of which I am aware. Focus on a mix of grades, experience, personality/fit within the practice group, and interest in the work of the practice group.”
  • “The hiring process is extensive—[as a lateral litigation candidate] it involved a written application, two writing samples , six interviews, and the provision of [multiple] references over the course of a month. As I was lateral, I felt that my prior work experience was the key determinative factor for why I joined R+C. That said, I think clerkships and personality, in conjunction with strong written work product, are more important if one is not a lateral.”


Perks & Benefits

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